Encouraging Women to Walk Deeper in Faith and Change Their World

Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Welcome to the Blog Hop


A few weeks ago, my friend Julie invited me to participate in a thing called a Blog Hop. I had never participated in one before, but what a cool experience! Here’s how it works: I answer four questions about writing on my blog, then introduce you to a few of my friends whose blogs I’ve been following for a few years now. They all have a heart for Jesus, and their blogs are awesome and very different from one another. Be sure to check them out; you’ll be blessed!

Thanks Julie for the invite! Here goes:

  1. What am I writing or working on? Currently, my main focus is blogging. I love sharing encouragement and truth with women through the Word of God. I’m also 27,000 or so words, into a Christian fiction manuscript entitled “Uncommon Threads.” I’ve been writing this novel for the past couple of years, walking away from it for a bit, then returning to it as if reuniting with an old friend. My non-fiction heart’s passion, is to  encourage and inspire women to emerge, to use their gifts in whatever God calls them to do for His glory. A few titles I’m working on are “Emerge~Being More Than Just Another Faith in the Crowd” and “Emerge~Finding Your Voice in a Noisy World.” You get the picture. Of course all of these are subject to change, but that is our prerogative as women, isn’t it? 😉
  2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? This question used to stump me; then I realized why.  The enemy has a cunning way of trying to convince us it’s time to waive the white flag before we’ve even begun. Those lies whispered into our ears, “you might as well give up now, someone else has already written that book.” Another you may recognize, “why would anyone want to read your writing? Who do you think you are?” Sound familiar? So I suppose my answer to the question of what makes my writing different, is simply because my voice is different. God created each one of us, giving us a unique voice and calling. He doesn’t make mistakes, and He doesn’t waste time; He created us and He created time. He will direct my steps as to what He wants to say through my writing, and when He wants to say it. Whatever comes through on the page will be as unique as I am. Of course, I have to be willing. I have to work hard at it, and keep plugging away or else my voice will go from unique to antique!
  3. Why do I write what I do? I used to think life was getting in the way of my writing; then I realized it’s life that inspires my writing. At times my life looks like a reality TV show, so why not share lessons learned? I truly believe life is meant to be lived intentionally. As life shifts between oceans of joy and valleys of trial, we are called to glorify God and love and encourage others through our stories.
  4. How does my writing process work? Prayer and staying in the Word is key. I may be totally brain-blank one moment, then in an instant, a message begins formulating. I went through many dry spells, as all writers do. There was one spell in particular that was so dry, I prayed hard for a breakthrough. I hadn’t written in weeks, and I missed it terribly. In my prayer, I asked God to show me if He had truly called me to write. If I wasn’t meant to be a writer, I didn’t want to waste another moment, thus missing His plan for my life. I prayed for His will, and if I began to write again, I would know it was from Him because I had nothing more to give. Shortly after, I wrote about that; probably to encourage one of his other kids going through the same doubt. OK, back to the question: I seem to do my best writing at night when it’s quiet. That’s not to say I haven’t written in the daytime as well, but I seem to crank out more when crickets are chirping. I guess in a way it’s like sharing His light in the dark.  Originally, I was going to name my blog “She Writes at Night” but that was already taken! I have notepads of ideas laying around; snippets of book titles and scriptures with intriguing messages. I could honestly improve on developing a more disciplined writing process. Right now, it’s a bit free-spirited in form. Can you relate?

Well, those are the deep and thoughtful answers I know you were all waiting on with bated breathe 😉

Now it’s time to introduce you to a few of my blogging friends. Their writing has blessed me as I trust it will bless you!

family 2014Tiffany Locke has been a pilots wife for over 20 years. She has four children, three at home and one at college. She plays the role of single mom 3 to 4 days a week while her husband takes off to fly . Tiffany is a Bible study teacher who shares her passion for women’s ministry. She is able to give you a fresh prescriptive on being a pilot’s wife, as well as just trying to find the right shoe that God has for you to wear. Her blog is “These are the Shoes of our Lives.” Which is also the title of a bible study that she is currently working on. You can visit Tiffany’s blog at http://www.tiffanylocke.com.

I met Tiffany a few years ago, and our families attend the same church. We meet regularly as writing accountability partners and are both members of the Compel writer’s training through Proverbs 31. Tiffany is funny, thoughtful, generous, and loves writing in local coffee shops. She has a heart for reaching women through teaching God’s Word.

891950_10200096520713494_1791031929_oJoyce Harris, also known as The Herbal Gourmet, is a certified tea and herb specialist, plus a retired nursery business owner, whose goal is to share her experience and information on the use of the herbs, including tea, that God has provided in our world; she loves to inspire others so they may pass this information and their blessings on to others. She currently writes a blog about tea, the uses of herbs, and gourmet gardening with a hint of blessing and inspiration at http://www.herbalblessing.blogspot.com and does local presentations and demonstrations for groups of all sizes.

Joyce is an amazing woman with many talents. I met Joyce through church, and have had the pleasure of getting to know her over the past couple of years. Her compassionate spirit, heart of gold, and love for God shines through as she serves and writes what God places on her heart.


Michelle SpanosMichelle Spanos is married to her best friend. Mom to 3. Grandmother to 2. Homeschooler, home manager, moment maker, pallet designer, beautiful mess. Her words are a wonderful mix of humor and just plain living life this side of Heaven.

I’ve known Michelle for many years, and met her (you guessed it!) through church. I had the privilege of being Sunday School teacher to both her sons, and enjoy seeing her sweet daughter when they stop by the church office. Michelle is creative, caring, and adventurous as you will see when you read her blog http://www.thusfarwithgod.blogspot.com.

Thanks for stopping by, and happy hopping!

Love In Him,






5 Minute Friday “Belong” I’m Not Just A Visitor

This is my first time participating in Five Minute Friday. I’ve read many Friday posts on my friend Julie’s blog, and today, I decided to join the party! So what’s the deal? The deal is, Lisa-Jo Baker gives a one-word prompt on her blog, and you take that word and write on it for five minutes straight. No editing, no grammar concerns, no writing rules to follow. Just write.

Today Lisa-Jo is taking a well-deserved break, so we are meeting over at Crystal Stine’s place. Here goes.

BELONG ~ I’m Not Just A Visitor

Visiting a friend in a posh community, my husband and I pulled up to the guard shack to gain entrance through the massive gate. Guard “shack” is an odd reference, as there are no shacks to be seen in this community. As we waited for approval to enter, the man in the neatly pressed uniform asked several questions. Finally, the gates slowly parted, and our 2002 Camry with the faded hood was permitted to enter.

As we drove through the winding roads of the upscale neighborhood, I marveled at the mansions. Clearly we stood out like a weed in a well-manicured lawn. We don’t drive a luxury vehicle, and we couldn’t find the street. We backed up and turned around so many times, I thought sure the little man in the guard shack would re-think his decision to let us in.

I felt I didn’t belong here. We didn’t fit in here. We had a visitor’s pass on our windshield which labeled us as temporary guests, as opposed to permanent residents.Then I remembered a very important fact. This is not my home anyway. I may be a visitor in a strange neighborhood, but I am also an alien here on earth.I have a mansion that won’t blow away in a hurricane; I have a home in glory, and I don’t need a visitor’s pass on my windshield.

I am a daughter of the Most High King.     Belong-not just a visitor

It doesn’t matter what kind of car I drive or the size of the home I live in now. My eternal home is grand and wonderful and I already belong.

In Christ, I’m not just a visitor. I have gained permanent entry through gates that have swung open wide for me and for you.


True Confessions of an Almost Author

I’m a writer. I’m a blogger.

I’ve read books on writing, taken courses on writing, am currently enrolled in COMPEL through Proverbs 31, and Jeff Goins, the talented guy who wrote: Wrecked, The In-Between, Writer’s Manifesto; he says I’m a writer.  He wrote a book about it:

“YOU ARE A WRITER (So Start Acting Like One)” by Jeff Goins.

I grabbed the Kindle Edition. He also offers a variety of resources on blogging, writing, and platform building to “help us be more awesome” on goinswriter.com. Check it out. Great stuff.

So where am I on this writing journey?  Probably right about where you are…

There’s a book in me; several books. There’s probably a book in you too. The thing is, they need to come out.  Besides reading about the craft, studying the craft, practicing the craft; eventually, we’ll have to take the plunge, put ourselves “out there”.   I’m just not sure where “out there” is.

I know for a fact there are thousands like us; dipping our toe in the pool.  The water may be cold at first, takes a bit of getting used to.  Let’s dive in; it’s time to swim.

Social interaction is obviously good for a writer; name recognition, branding, all good. Following this guideline, my email address is my name, and my blog addresses is my name.com.  I find this difficult since it seems in direct conflict to humbling myself, and the important reminder “it’s not about me.”  Still, I’m thinking God is okay with others knowing my name; after all, He calls me by name.

Have you ever googled your name?

Confession:  I have. I googled my name yesterday, and what popped up? A few pics of me, my Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube pages; a pic of my friend Lisa (?), and umpteen images of “Doris” Day and Taylor “Swift”.  I’m thinking a cross between the two of them wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Then there’s that word; the word most of us at this stage of the game get a little creeped out about. You know what I’m talking about… platform.

I’d like to think I’m a pretty likable person, but unless something goes viral, this is going to pose quite a challenge. To aim for 100,000 hits on my blog in one month, a little intimidating.  Let me rephrase that, a lot intimidating. Intimidating yes, but not impossible:

Jesus said to him, 
   “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  Mark 9:23

Yes Lord, I believe.

How many followers do you have?

Confession: I have exactly 175 blog followers and the number of Facebook friends only slightly exceeds the current balance in my checking account. I do have a Facebook page matching my blog name Walking Deeper with 60 followers and growing. I am learning how to develop an email platform, and have 78 Twitter followers; I’m sure a few of them are trying to sell me something.

I follow Jesus, but I don’t think He’s on Twitter.

Viral is another catch phrase popular in today’s culture. The closest I’ve come to viral is having Chickenpox in 3rd grade.  So, until I can teach my cat to flush the toilet, I’m thinking viral might be a bit far-reaching for me.

Have you noticed after a video has gone viral, these people wind up as guests on the Today Show?

Hey, wait a minute, I’ve been on the Today Show!  Well, I’m using the word “on” a bit loosely.  Brian and I were in NYC for our 25th anniversary in 2009.  We had been watching the Today Show for years, laughing at all the crazy people standing outside for hours; then we decided to become one of them.

We had our daughter DVR the show that morning, hoping we’d make the big-time with our hot-pink, homemade sign.  We did!  We were seen on camera during several shots as they panned the crazies.  We carefully avoided deleting the recorded show, until the DVR finally crashed. Thankfully, we had taken a photo of the TV screen.  See….

No, that’s not me standing with my husband under our anniversary sign, my bad.  I must have been out of view trying to wave down Al Roker.

The highlight of the morning for me (sorry honey), was when Meredith Vieira smiled and shook my hand. It happened during a commercial break, but what a treat!  She was as lovely in person as she looked on TV, and extremely gracious.  Here’s a close-up (I don’t think she’ll mind, she looks great):

Sorry Savannah, this was before your time.

Would you say you’ve struggled with doubt and fear? 

Confession: I would. Doubts creep in, yes they do. Love casts out fear, so I draw on that unconditional love of God when the fear and doubt threaten to devour me.  If He’s called me, He will equip me. He will equip you. He will.

I would have to say though, there is one fear I have to keep pushing back, pushing down; a fearful thought I have to continually take captive to the obedience of Christ.

What is this fear?

The fear of a dream that might never take shape, will never come to pass.  Satan loves to tell us that lie repeatedly, doesn’t he?  Do you ever have that same fear?

Worth the wait, yes, this is.  We will get there.  Wait on the Lord, He appoints us and gives us the desires of our heart when we trust in Him. He’ll give us that platform we need, because HE IS our platform; our firm foundation.  That’s a promise, and our faithful God keeps His promises. It’s not easy, it takes work; but why not work at what we love?

Perhaps as this journey unfolds, it won’t look anything like we had hoped for; no, it will be more, it will be better.  More than we could ask or imagine.

So write! 

Whether this dream comes together like fallen Manna from the sky, or whips us into shape so we can chase it, God is in control.  We don’t have to scream out “I’m here!  Notice me!  Know my name!” cause the only One who matters already does. May you find joy in this journey called writing.

In Him,


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