Encouraging Women to Walk Deeper in Faith and Change Their World

Archive for the ‘faith’ Category

Have We Believed the Lie?

Have you ever felt alone in a crowd?

Standing in a roomful of people, your deodorant quits, as you imagine everybody noticing nobody is talking to you.

You awkwardly move about the room, attempting to jump into conversations like a competitor in a double-dutch competition.

You wind up alone in a corner, sipping punch so your hands have something to do. At this point, you’re either feeling invisible, or that people are staring right at you, as if your hair’s on fire.

Maybe you’ve never experienced this scenario, but I have a feeling some are saying yes, how did you know?

I know, because it’s happened to me.

Perhaps you haven’t experienced that, but you’ve experienced this:

That friend’s family who thinks you don’t measure up, or that promotion you didn’t get, or that guy who stood you up, or that parent who bases your value on a letter grade.

Let’s keep it real, those things cut deep, don’t they?

Those events can make the value meter hit bottom.

But hear me, we’ve got to trade those lies about our value for the truth.

The truth is, we’ve been lied to by the enemy of our soul.

He magnifies our insecurities, until we feel like something we’d scrap off the bottom of our shoe.

He tells us we don’t belong, and we believe it.

Because when we focus on ourselves, we’re not focusing on God.

What if we flipped the coin, turned the tables, chose truth?

What if we stood in a room where nobody is speaking to us, and made it missional?

Instead of trying to jump into conversations, how about we start a new one?

Yes, with the other women in the room nobody is talking to.

We were born for community, God created us that way; and we don’t need to wait for an invite.

And when we believe we are of little value, what we’re really saying is this: God has created something of little value.

I don’t agree with that, do you?

So next time we’re tempted to believe who we aren’t, let’s go to the Word to confirm who we are.

Here’s just one passage of many:

In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:11-14

Popularity is man-made.

Let’s be confident women in Christ, who know our value comes from God.

That’s the kind of woman everyone wants to be around. Not because we’re all that, but because we’re all His.

So next time we find ourselves feeling alone in a crowd,

let’s commit to:

  • Standing confidently, knowing we are where we are for a purpose and a plan
  • Becoming acutely aware of other such wallflowers and create a bouquet
  • Remembering this post, and that you are not alone

Will you join me in this commitment, and stop drinking punch in the corner?

Does the Word Church Make You Cringe?

Do you know people who cringe when they hear the word church?

Maybe it’s a friend, a family member. Or maybe it’s you.

Because for many, the church has been a source of hurt; all those hurt feelings, the pain of church splits, a place filled with cliches and cliques.

That whole hypocritical thing, yes it happens.

But church is more than pot-lucks and sitting face forward.

We are missing it if we attend out of guilt or feelings of obligation. I’m sure some would agree, we need to lose those misconceptions we may have grown up believing.

It was never meant to be a box we check off, or a to-do list item we scratch through.

When we are in Christ, we are the church; it’s not about a building or service we attend, it’s about a body of believers-a family.

And that body needs to hang out and connect.

It’s true, we don’t gain salvation through church attendance, yet let’s not miss that God calls us to gather together.

We are called to gather in a place where babies need arms to hold them, and widows need friends to hug them, and the young need to see how the old have come through it.

Connections are made, and we are fed by the Word, and our spirit is renewed to face a new week in the world.

Because let’s face it, the world can be hard to face.

True, God is always with us, but he’s given us the gift of each other.

We can’t underestimate the importance of believers gathering together to encourage one-another.

We could spend our whole life looking for the perfect church body, but sadly we’d die before finding one; because we’re not perfect, but…

For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14

And maybe it’s not supposed to be about us feeling we belong, but about us being the one to encourage someone else that they do.

We are family.

Let’s not be that family member who never shows up.

Let’s get to that family reunion and worship and pray together.

If we truly believe God directs our steps, then He will lead us where to worship in unity, and where to serve in community.

Lord knows we can’t all fit into one building.

And that’s a good thing.

Because we need to be that city on a hill;

And a city on a hill cannot be hidden.

Let’s let our light so shine before men, so the Father will be glorified.

Can I get an Amen?

Need to know how to be adopted into the family of believers? Check out the Meet Jesus page on this blog.

When the World Would Have Us Shaking in Our Boots

Have you heard the news?

The world would have us shaking in our boots, and I’m not big on cliches, but this one truly fits.

I know you don’t need details, because you’ve heard it all too. There’s no sugar-coating evil.

There are times when it hits us head-on. As a bank employee for almost thirty years, I’ve been through two bank robberies.

In the first robbery, I was the teller who emptied the drawer and apologized to the robber when I didn’t have the large bills his note requested.

During the second one, I sat in the lobby at a desk behind glass, watching the event unfold, surreal, as men with guns stormed the innocent.

We’ve been through trauma, we’ve seen evil first-hand. But evil isn’t new. It’s been around a good long while.

In John 7:7 Jesus said this to His brothers:

The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.

The world we live in hates the truth. When we walk in truth, share the truth, stand up for the truth, we’re going to face some haters too.

But we need not fear and we need not cower, because after Jesus said that, Jesus said this:

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

And we can say this:

So we may boldly say:

“The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?”  Hebrews 13:6

And this:

The Lord is on my side;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6

So let’s put on our boots, because we need not shake in them. We can walk confidently as children of God, and boldly say the Lord is my helper, I will not fear.

And instead of shaking in our boots when the world goes crazy, let’s kick up our heels and dance with Jesus, because He has overcome the world.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the steps, He’ll take the lead, because He is The Way.

Who Will You Invite?

I think we might be spoiled.

Flowing water from faucets, lights by flipping a switch.

I don’t like to admit I take things for granted, but honestly, I kind of do. It’s not that I’m not thankful,

it’s just that blessings I routinely receive can slip under my thanksgiving radar. Do you find that to be true?

Things like flushing toilets, and setting the air at the optimum temperature.

In a moments notice and without warning, we can lose those conveniences we feel our life depends on.

Water pipes break, fuses blow out, storms come through.

During our many hurricane adventures in Florida, we’ve lost power for up to ten days; talk about roughing it. The “it will be fun like camping” experience wore off after day two.

We did buy a generator, but that requires gasoline, and whipping out a debit card doesn’t work when the power goes out.

It comes down to this: Security. Have we placed our security in the conveniences of life?

Because we need not worry if the power goes out, or if we run out of gas, or if the water goes off. Because our living water never shuts off, and His light is always shining. God meets our needs. He replaces food that spoils and He gives us light by fire.

Our true security is in the Lord, and He doesn’t send us a monthly bill. Can I get a hallelujah?

The living kind of water flows freely and it’s free, and it quenches thirst like nothing else can.

And we want to shout it from the rooftops, don’t we?

Yet, we can become overwhelmed with all the thirsty people out there.

But we need not be overwhelmed about a thirsty world bigger than us, because it’s not bigger than God.

Let’s be overwhelmed by His amazing grace, and His faithfulness. When we ask in prayer, He will direct our steps and give us the words.

So we have this conversation. We share how our life has changed, how we’ve been made new, and from our heart flows rivers of living water, and when they ask us how, that’s when we tell them this:

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37

Jesus spoke of the Spirit, whom all those who believe in Him will receive. We tell them it’s free, but it came at great cost.

And we invite them to the Kingdom, and tell them the Parable of the Marriage Feast in Matthew 22.. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

And we can lead them to the water, but we can’t make them drink. The Holy Spirit will do that work, so remain calm. And If they choose thirst, we have not failed because we are not God.

So the Spirit and the bride say come; all who are thirsty, come.

I love that kind of teamwork, don’t you?

Do you struggle with sharing your faith? Share your thoughts…

Choosing a Circle of Friends?


We make them every day, even when we don’t realize we are choosing.

Growing up, I hovered between circles of friends. It may sound amazing, being friends with everyone, but instead it proved challenging.

The challenge? These circles didn’t interlock like the Olympics symbol.

No, these circles were spread apart like the wheels on the bus. They went round and round in and of themselves, but their molecular structure kept them apart. Can you relate?

What I didn’t realize, was when I chose to hang with one circle, I was choosing not to hang with the others. I didn’t see it that way, but they did.

We tend to label groups and the people in them, don’t we?

Most labels are based on behaviors, or status, or intelligence. So in essence, we judge.

We need to peel off the labels, and cleanly.

Not like when we peel off price-tags on a gift, where remnants of the sticky part still remains.

And what about those inside the circle? They’ve made that choice. They are solid in their circle. Unlike those of us who tend to hover on the outside.

I didn’t want to choose, but by not choosing, I was choosing. I hope that makes some kind of sense, and by now you may be nodding your head. You hovered too.

Either that, or you’re scratching your head, but stay with me.

It’s similar when it comes to walking by faith. We can’t serve two masters, either we’re all in it with God, or we’re not. We can’t have one foot in the circle of truth, and the other in the circle of the world.

Because we are to be in the world, but not of it.

But we’ve done that, haven’t we? To feel a part of a circle, to feel accepted we dip a toe back into the circle of the  world.

But things are not always what they seem. We may think the world means toxic places and toxic people. We may think it means toxic behaviors like addictions, promiscuity,  gossip….

We may not realize, when we choose doubt, worry, fear of the future,  greed, pride…

we’ve stepped back into a worldly perspective.

We may not realize,

that when we choose all of that, we’re not choosing all of Him.

So there’s a choice to be made. Do we choose Jesus? Do we choose joy, and peace, and freedom?

He tells us, doesn’t He?

Not to fear.

Not to doubt.

Not to worry.

Oh we of little faith, let’s choose God.

And it’s okay to feel like an apple in a roomful of oranges.

We will at times, not because we don’t belong, but because we are called to be set-apart and holy. Those aren’t labels or vehicles to allow us to judge, those are the goals we pray everyone will break free of circles and run towards.

The choices we make today can impact our future, in both small ways and eternal ways.

It’s not always easy to choose right, and it’s not always easy to choose wise, and we need the Holy Spirit to be that compass of reason within us.

Let’s pray for strength to make God-honoring choices.

Then we can smile at the future, because He promises us one.

Filled with hope.

And besides,

strength and dignity look much better on us then that dress in the window at Macy’s.

We shouldn’t be striving to push into circles, we should be striving to widen the circle of the family of God.

It’s by no accident the earth is round.

Let’s choose to smile at the future, shall we?


Do you know Jesus? If you’d like to know Him personally, confess what’s heavy and ask Him into your heart today. To find out more about who Jesus is, open the Bible and check out the book of John. Don’t have a Bible handy? Go to http://www.biblegateway.com and find the Word of truth and resources to help you dig deeper and walk deeper with Jesus.

See the Meet Jesus page on this blog,  and make that life-changing choice of the eternal kind.

~ We are on this joyful journey together. Let’s smile.

Are We In?

Be still


We say it moves too fast, we say it moves too slow.

At times we want to rush God, don’t we?

We want to rush answers to prayers, and agendas, and plans. We may feel nothing is happening, and our works are fruitless, and our prayers are bouncing off the sky.

Yet, God tells us to be still, and know that He is God. He has all the answers and He knows when the time is right, because it’s not our time, it’s His.

We may feel we’re standing still, but we’re all on a moving sidewalk of sorts. God’s plans for us keep moving forward, and we need only trust in Him.  His promises are true.

So if you’re feeling discouraged and growing tired of the mundane, remember this:

Stay the course, and hold tightly to faith. Nothing is mundane when God is in it. The question is, are we?

And isn’t faith the substance of things hoped for? And isn’t faith the evidence of things not seen?

Never lose faith, and never lose hope, because prayers become tangible when we surrender; and time never stands still even when we do.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Now how about that fruit?

The grocery store has ruined us. We can walk in the door, head to the produce department, and ripened fruit is in abundance; we just need to reach for it.

Fruit at our fingertips, and the only challenge? Getting that darn plastic bag to open so we can get our fill.

No planting, no watering, no nurturing, no waiting. We are a spoiled bunch.

We want to see immediate fruit, don’t we?

We want that loved one saved, that ministry to bloom, that plan to come together, like now.

But spiritual fruit takes time. The planting, the nurturing, the green, and then the sweet.

And even while we wait to taste the sweetness of that fruit, God will confirm.

He will confirm if what we are doing is right in-line, or if what we are doing is wasting time.

He will help us discern the difference. And we can taste and see that the Lord it good. Now that’s sweet.

It’s time to pray big.

It’s time to believe big.

It’s time to work the harvest.

It’s time to look forward in great anticipation, not for the fruit that might come, but for the fruit that will come.

It’s time for the faith that pleases God, because it is impossible to please Him without it.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  Hebrews 11:6

God births through us the plans, the dreams, the visions for what He chooses to accomplish,

and He has chosen us to carry them, labor through them, and in His time, He delivers them forth.

And let’s not fret over the baby-steps,

Because isn’t it that first step that always wows us?

From that first step of wow, to that sprint towards the awe, it’s our obedience that brings the blessings of the fruit.

It’s time we step out in obedience, and it’s time we step into that great adventure in faith.

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!    Psalm 46:10

So the question is, are we in?

We’ve All Been that Woman

I love bicycles with baskets, and freshly cut flowers,

scented candles, and freshly baked breads.

How about you?

But beautiful things aren’t always what they seem, are they?

Candles burn away, and bicycles get rusty.

Bread gets moldy, and cut flowers dry up and wither away.

They have no life; they have no roots.

So how important are roots? We refer to where we came from, our heritage, as our roots.

Let’s not forget that children are a heritage from the Lord, and we are His children.

When our roots go deep in Jesus, we will not wither away; we will not be a dried up memory pressed in a book,

we will be written in one…

The Lambs Book of Life.

Because before were well-women, we were that woman at the well.

So as a tree planted by the water, lets extend our roots to the living water of the gospel. There, we will not fear when life heats up, and we will not be anxious when seasons of drought come; because this well will never dry up.

When we extend our roots to the living water, our soul will be refreshed and our life will yield fruit. 

“For he will be like a tree planted by the water,
That extends its roots by a stream
And will not fear when the heat comes;
But its leaves will be green,
And it will not be anxious in a year of drought
Nor cease to yield fruit.   Jeremiah 17:8 NASB

Jesus came to quench our thirst, so we can dip our cups and thirst no more.

We have all been that woman at the well.

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

When did Jesus meet you at the well?

How Productive is our Waiting?

Perserverance 2

Seems the world is all about hurry up and wait. We wait in traffic, at doctors’ offices, in check-out lines. Is there such a thing as productive and unproductive waiting?

We’ve all heard the saying “it doesn’t happen overnight,” the it being whatever we’re hoping to achieve.

Yet, even overnight seems an eternity in this instant-gratification kind of world. So let’s allow this verse to sink in. We know patience is a virtue, but this verse is talking about waiting with perseverance.

So what exactly are we doing while we’re waiting?

There’s a Dollar General in our neighborhood, a great place to do a quick-shop-pit-stop. I’ve found out the hard way, the parking lot is far from level. If you park on the east side of the lot, you’d better hang on to your cart while unloading, otherwise you’ll be chasing the thing like a mad woman. Yes, I’ve been that mad woman. It would be handy if the carts had brakes, but they don’t.

I’ve found my ambition can be like a runaway cart at times, can you relate?

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit can help us apply the breaks when we seek His guidance. He can help us narrow our focus,  taking each step in order, without tripping over ourselves.

If you’ve ever taken a writing or blogging course, you’ll recognize the process of honing in on a specific message. Topics can be vast. Take marriage and family for example. Where does one begin to write about the dynamics of relationships? It can be complicated, overwhelming even, but it doesn’t have to be.

We start with the vast topic, then narrow it down:

Marriage→communication→communicating needs to your spouse.

Family→blended family→effective communication with your stepchildren.

See how that works? We’ve narrowed the focus down from overwhelming to specific.

The same works in ministry:


We need not feel overwhelmed in our calling to reach out. Before heading out, let’s heed God’s Lead.

We wouldn’t serve a four year old a porterhouse steak or an entire lasagne. It’s the same with our doing. We can do one thing at a time, bite-sized chunks. If we don’t, we’ll be calling for the Heimlich maneuver.

So what is God calling us to do today?

Provide a meal, encourage a friend, intercede in prayer?

Whatever your chunk is today, chew on it well before you swallow it. We can get so focused on the doing, we forget what we’ve been called to do.

Here’s a word of encouragement, we aren’t called to go it alone. Someone washes a dish, the other dries it; someone cooks a meal, the other serves it. Many gifts, many hands, many members, one body.

We are doing, but not doing it all.

For the past couple of years, I’ve dreamed of reaching women where they are, but the truth is, they’re everywhere. I can’t be everywhere, but God already is. He covers the everywhere, and calls us to cover the wherever.

So wherever He leads us, we will go. And whatever He calls us to do, we will do.

And that my friend, is perseverance.

Not doing it all at once, but telling others what Jesus has done, once for all.

Never give up on what God wants to do in your life, He has plans for you and for me. So let’s keep our eyes on the perfecter of our faith, running the race while waiting with perseverance.

We can wait well together, in the hope of the things to come.

What If Everyone Found Out?


We’ve all felt it at one time or another, haven’t we?

We’ve all done things we certainly wouldn’t expect to see announced in the church bulletin.

Could you just imagine?

“Pot-luck dinner Sunday at six, and speaking of pot, Sylvia used to smoke it, and sources say she still does.”

Or how about this one:

“Prayer walk on 42nd street, same block Samantha worked a few years ago.”

Or this:

“AA meeting in room 105, Sunday School building-and by the way, Kathy fell off the wagon again.”

Now imagine this: What if everyone found out everything?

I know I’ve done things I’m not particularly proud of, and I’m sure you have too. I’ve even had women say to me, “well, someday I’ll tell you about it.” And I say, “well, why not today?”

Truth is, some people already know about some of it, and God knows about all of it,

so instead of letting shame hold us hostage, let’s look to the One who paid our ransom.

Because after all, what are we so ashamed of?

Of course, it’s sin. Sin makes us shameful. But we have this hope; confess our sins and they’re washed away. Repentance brings freedom. Right?

So if Jesus washes away the sins, why do we keep buying spray and wash for the stain of shame?


Because the enemy lies, telling us we have to keep treating the stains. We’ve got to stop believing it.

Here’s the truth: The stains are gone, and Jesus shamed shame.

In researching death on the cross, we find it was considered a death of shame. The Reformation Study Bible tells us that Roman citizens were forbidden to be put to death on the cross, and the Jews believed everyone who hung on a tree was cursed by God.

But Jesus shamed the shame by turning that tree of shame into our saving grace. Then He rose from the dead to seal what He was sent to accomplish.

So yeah, we need to be the church of the redeemed, not the church of the shamed. I don’t mean to sound preachy, but while we’re at it, let’s take the plank out of our own eyes. The plank called hypocrisy.

Through Christ we can throw off shame and stop throwing it at others.

I told my Grace Story at a women’s event a few years ago. Teenage pregnancy, shame, feelings of not fitting in anymore, abandoned by most friends. Then I had a beautiful son named Michael. I wasn’t ashamed of my son, but for years I felt the shame of being that girl who disappeared from school.

You know what happened afterwards? Countless women in the audience couldn’t wait to tell me it had happened to them too.

What are you going through today?

Whatever it may be, there are others who have already made it through.

How did they make it through?

They were changed through Christ, and their faith sustained them. That’s the Grace Story.

Maybe you are the one who made it through. Your testimony, can be that common thread of hope to share with others.

We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses; those who have gone before us to show us the way.

But there is One who goes before us who is The Way. He replaces our shame with faith.

Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus.

What does fix mean anyway? If you google it, you get this:

direct one’s eyes, attention, or mind steadily or unwaveringly toward.

fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position.

So let’s fix and fasten.

  1. Fix our eyes on Jesus, and fasten our faith to Him.
  2. Activate dormant faith through seeking God ~ the Holy Spirit brings fresh eyes to see the needs of others
  3. Initiate a training program to run the race – the prayers, the Word, the work
  4. Train others~ because faith comes through hearing the Word, our training manual
  5. Hand off the baton ~ multiplying workers for the harvest. We’re not meant to go it alone

And this…

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.     Hebrews 12:1-2

It’s time to put off the shame, and put on faith with works.

What if everyone found out

Where are you called to serve?

Can I Tell You About My Bizarre Encounter?

camera lens

I had a bizarre encounter on Saturday. Can I share it with you?

I enjoyed a pleasant morning with a friend, then set out to pick up a few groceries.  I entered the parking lot of the nearest grocery store, and pulled into an available spot. All quite normal up to this point, right?

Stay with me…

Before exiting the car, I took a moment to open the banking app on my cell. Just a quick check to see if I needed to transfer funds. To my dismay, the internet connection spun so many times, it made me dizzy. I decided to wait for a moment, then try it again.

Meanwhile, I noticed a blue truck pulling into the space directly facing me. A middle-aged women exited the driver’s side, but oddly, she left the door standing wide open. Next thing I knew, she was heading towards my car.

She made a beeline for my driver’s side window, so I hit the button, allowing the glass between us to slide down.

Thinking she either had the wrong person, or perhaps she wanted to ask me a question, I waited.

But she didn’t say anything.

Instead, she held up a small silver camera, and appeared to be video taping me. Yes, you read that correctly.

Not being accustomed to seeing paparazzi in the grocery store parking lot, and unaware of my seemingly celebrity status, I was completely baffled. Shocked even.

I tried conversing, but she wasn’t interested. She may have mumbled something, but honestly,  I cannot recall.

Then as mysteriously as she had arrived, she turned to leave.

Don’t try this at home, but I felt compelled to get out of the car.  I needed to know why.


I actually tried flagging her down, hoping we could talk. Yes, for whatever reason, I didn’t want the encounter to end this way.

But my efforts were to no avail. I stood there as she pulled away, still videotaping me as I waved goodbye. OK, now I was the one with the bizarre behavior.

After she left,  I remembered something:

Before pulling into the grocery store, I had made a right turn at the red light.  This is perfectly legal, however, there was a vehicle already in the intersection attempting a u-turn. That vehicle had the right-of-way, and guess you could say, I was in the wrong-of-way.

Could that be it? Could this women be the person who made that u-turn? I couldn’t be certain, but it seemed to fit.

After she left, I was a bit shaken. I decided to leave the area and head to the grocery store closer to home. The entire way there, I prayed about the bizarre encounter with this woman.

I surrendered the disturbing feelings to God,  feelings of being violated, bullied, and harassed.

Not only that, I prayed for her too.

God allows things to happen for a purpose, and  we may never know why.

Maybe before this encounter, nobody else was praying for her.

Maybe that’s why.

What did I learn?

  • As strange as it was, it wasn’t personal. She didn’t know me, and I didn’t know her. She directed her anger at me, but she was really angry with my action. She had an unacceptable reaction to my action.
  • No amount of prayer is too much. We need to bathe ourselves in prayer, and pray for others too. We never know what our day will bring, but God does. Let’s pray for His direction in our every step. In praying that way most mornings, I have to believe driving into that parking lot was no accident.
  • There will always be people in this world who will choose evil over good, road rage over grace. As the Word says, let’s not repay evil with evil, but give a blessing instead. I could have retaliated, but what good would it do? What good does it do, when we become like them, and unlike Christ?
  • There may have been times, we have been like them. Sometimes we’ve lost it, so forgiveness is applicable in all situations. She’s my neighbor. I don’t have to condone her actions, but I’m still called to love and forgive her.
  • The Lord fights our battles. It’s a battlefield out there, but we can armor up. The enemy may try to attack, but we can trust our God has our back.

I pray someone will have the opportunity to speak to this woman, and that a seed can be planted, then watered.

Will you join me in praying for her?

Wouldn’t it be crazy if her camera wasn’t even rolling?

What similar experiences have you encountered?  Please share them, and any thoughts on this bizarre encounter in the comments.

Welcome to Behold-Her Beauty with Deborah Rutherford

Discovering our beauty inside and out as God’s beautiful daughters.

Mary Beth Powers ❤️ author.speaker

Heart Transformations ❤️

Vibrant Relevance Ministries

Discover Bible’s Vibrant Relevance in your daily life

Editor Says

Answers to Your Writing and Publishing Questions

Grandmas with Muscles

My journey in Spirit, Soul and Body Health

Mackenzie Leigh

A place for the brave heart

This is Living NOW

Relationship. Freedom. Purpose. impact.

The Farm on the Hill

Country Can Be Classy


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Lisa-Jo Baker

Encouraging Women to Walk Deeper in Faith and Change Their World

Budget Family Trip

encouraging and equipping you to travel

She Reads Truth

Encouraging Women to Walk Deeper in Faith and Change Their World

Writers In The Storm

A Blog On Writing

Kate Motaung

Heading Home

Radiant Learning

Think * Learn * Transform

New Creations Ministries

Becoming a new creation by applying Biblical nutritional principles of 2 Corinthians 5:17

Abide in Christ's Love

Loving God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength